Tiki Bar Signs do not have to all look like they came off an island. A lot of bar owners call their bar a Tiki Bar but don’t have all the Hawaiian looked signs and tiki gods all over. Most have signs that are related to the shore line they are at or the ocean side they would love to be at. Just by having a thatched roof you could say it is a tiki bar without one article of decoration.
Although having the right signs that are made with you in mind will always make the best bar for you and your friends. When you do retreat to your own personal home bar you want to feel like you are at home where you have always pictured yourself to be. The place where you can look up and see the friendly signs that you have visited in the past. Every sign is like a past memory of where you used to live or where you always wanted to vacation.
The old tiki bars used to have tiki god masks and flaming torches. Drinking rum drinks from coconuts and eating shish kabobs. It was the romantic idea to meet up with a loved one at a far away beach bar. Most people that never even experienced such a place would think that you could only find at a Hawaiian island. When we think of these thatched roofed drinking holes we think of some of the movies that made us droll to be at. The movie Risky Business showed how a bartender survived quite well at a foo foo drink oasis.
The new aged tiki bar has new upgrades! New signs that tell a new story. Custom made around your life story!
If you are looking for a new themed feel for your tiki bar that is uniquely based around your life and tribe, you have come to the right place.